Will We Always Keep Raising Irrelevant Issues?!!

Real issues of Pakistan

Do you know about the story of the two mice who lost their home to other big mice, just because the two were always fighting with each other and were never prepared to defend their home. 

YES! My dear Pakistanis we are on the verge to become like those mice, Who out of ignorance lost all they had because of their monstrous ego. 

Election is over! Nothing can be done to alter the results. It’s a plain fact and a bitter truth for many political parties. 

The main point of writing this article is for the reader to understand that if we wish to be a prosperous state we need to move on from this never ending blame game and ancient crying  tactics because the world is changing along with everything in it. 

Countries are launching satellites in the great unkown of the space and we are debating whether Bhutto is alive or dead. 

The economic model of the world has completely changed and regretfully Pakistan cannot be seen anywhere in this rapid race, we are busy debating who made Pakistan a nueclear power. 

We are facing problems like inflation, poor health and education system, bad justice system, load shedding, water shortage, polluted envirionment, no merit, umeployment, high crime rate, poor management and many other countless problems and it’s tradegy that media is not interested in highlighting these issues in order to fix them. 

The purpose of my debate is to make the reader realize that how far we are being kept from the reality and our precious energies are spent in all wrong directions. 

Another sad reason for writing this article is that Our Big media houses have become a fraud and only publish those news which are good for business ignoring the fact that Our 2.5 crore children are not registered in any school, 40% of Our children suffer from malnutrition, Pakistan has the highest delivery death ratio and might possibly become the largest consumer of dirty drinking water. 

Have you ever wondered why media is purposefully silent on all the real issues and has been constantly lying to us by hiding the reality? 

The answer to this question is simple but painful, Media is making tons of money along with our corrupt elite. It’s a business for them and a question of survival for us. 

If we are to become a great nation, We must raise our voice for real issues rather than sharing spicy political clips and irrelevant talk shows on social media. 

I hope you get the idea that survival of Pakistan doesn’t depend on defending our corrupt elite but instead addressing our real issues in order to find and implement a meaningful solutions. 

I pray with hope that our future Government will see to them with extra effort, otherwise we might end like those mice. 

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