Here is the Most Needed Political Change that will Guarantee Our Success

It is a well known saying that those who don’t change for good ultimately extinct at some point in the long run.

In our society change is sometimes understood as ‘admitting a weakness’ or interpreted as 'making a mistake in the past'. We find change as an offensive element that can easily hurt our ego because we cannot bear to see our beloved prior social and political beliefs getting outdated in front of our very own eyes.

time for change

We need to understand that no matter what happens we need to be moving on as a nation. We cannot afford to stay still at a point where there is no visible path towards progress.

We cannot mourn for our leaders and let media exaggerate their efforts while hiding their wicked faces forever.

Politicians take credit for their accomplishments as if they did it for a charity purpose out of their own pockets. We need to realize that it is actually our money that is being spent and it is our prime right to have the necessary facilities. We should not act as if they are doing us a favor yet we welcome them with expense flowers as if they have conquered the moon.

In reality political parties have nothing to offer other than ‘Bhutto Zinda ha’ ‘Motorway’ ‘Metro’ ‘Atom Bomb’ ‘CPEC’ and most importantly ‘Jamhoriyat k liye qurbaniyan’ and many more repetitive slogans.

We all know that sadly Bhutto is dead and his ideology is long forgotten.

Motorway and Metro were made from taxpayer’s money and these projects are victims of mega corruption. 

Nawaz Sharif didn’t make the Atom bomb nor did he initiate the CPEC.

‘Saving only their own skins’ can’t be called ‘Jamhoriyat k liye qurbaniyan’ at all.


These slogans are exhausted and have become unenergatic. People have become tired from listening to boring stories about overestimated heroism and illusionistic democracy.

Yes! It's true Blackberry was one of the coolest cell phones ten years ago, but we cannot always keep glorifying the old phone just because we had a one. To stay connected with the world we must upgrade!

We must find people with a fresh agenda, who can actually contribute something good for Pakistan.

There should be a policy called ‘Perform or Leave’. Those who fail to perform must be replaced immediately with those who can perform properly. We have been seeing the same faces for multiple decades and these faces haven’t made any progress. They have just filled their pockets with our money. The sad truth is that we keep letting them do injustice to us again and again, by falling into their traps and propaganda.

The harsh reality is that we prefer the suffering which is known to us instead of a superb opportunity which is unknown.

We have to treat our Politicians as normal humans beings and raise our voice against every injustice instead of putting efforts for their personal motives. 

We also need to upgrade and change our priorities only then we can be the masters of our fate and bring a positive change in Pakistan for good!

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