Will Abuse and Mockery Contribute to any Good?

Everyday on Social media we all witness the exchange of hatred and foul language among the supporters of the different political parties and recently the main participants of this vulgar game are the PTI and PML(N) supporters.

united, unity, hate, abuse, mock, mockery, politics, political parties, imran khan, nawaz sharif, pti, pmln, Pakistan, spread love, one nation, common people, common man, democracy, kleptocracy, daily problems,

Both Political parties are among the biggest political force in Pakistan and are considered to be equal rivals in the upcoming General Elections.

We need to understand that abusing and mockery will never solve our problems. First we need to identify our problems.

The problem of the common man is not whether we live in a democracy or a dictatorship or What did Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan eat for their breakfast?

united, unity, hate, abuse, mock, mockery, politics, political parties, imran khan, nawaz sharif, pti, pmln, Pakistan, spread love, one nation, common people, common man, democracy, kleptocracy, daily problems,

The concern of the common man is whether he is getting Quality health and education, safety, justice from the courts, employment, clean environment, pure water, electricity along with all other basic facilities to maintain a happy life. Common man is interested in the solution of these problems rather it is through democracy, dictatorship or any other form of government.

The educated class of our country knows that we are significantly far from democracy rather we live in a kleptocracy.

We live in a shameful situation where we blindly become the followers of our leaders and don’t question any of their actions and sightlessly justify their every move. We have given them a ‘God-like’ status and we immediately abuse and mock anyone with a different point of view. We absolutely have no patience for a different opinion.

Sadly those abusive words echoing in the streets and painted all over the comment sections on social media painfully sketches the reality of our mindset and character as a nation.

Freedom of expression is the right of every human being but there is also a correct way to express yourself about an opposing view, and that is through tolerance and respect. You can never convince someone to follow your belief by abusing and making fun of them, instead it will do the exact opposite.

We need to realize that we all are Pakistanis and must think as a one nation by respecting our differences. We must decide what is good for our nation rather than what is good for our favorite leaders and their political parties.

In the end it really doesn’t matter which political party you support or who is your leader. We all want what is best for Pakistan. So Why not unite as Pakistanis against our common day problems, help each other and spread love.

united, unity, hate, abuse, mock, mockery, politics, political parties, imran khan, nawaz sharif, pti, pmln, Pakistan, spread love, one nation, common people, common man, democracy, kleptocracy, daily problems,

Together we can address all the problems we face as a nation from dirty drinking water to any problem in the world what so ever. But for this we must understand that The Problems of our leaders are not sacred than the interests of the Pakistan and its good people.

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