Here's why Death Should be the punishment for corrupt Public Office Holders in Pakistan!

No society can really be called a civilized society where the crucial element of justice is absent from the lives of the people, where there is no difference between Right and Wrong.

In such type of societies the force of the law is required in the form of severe punishments and penalties in order to maintain the balance of a civilized society 

Whenever we talk about all the well developed nations of the world we always appreciate their law enforcing agencies and we always say ‘look how civilized they are, how easily they follow the rule, I wish Pakistanis were as civilized as them’ 

The reason what makes them civilized is the presence of a sound justice system, not only in the books but in reality also. People get punished for breaking the rules in the civilized world. And it is human Psychology that we learn easily and quickly with the help of examples. 

In Pakistan we all can agree that our Law is not meant for everybody, if you are an ordinary citizen the law will give you a very tough time but if you are a powerful influential person you can bend the same law according to your own will. Unfortunately such are the standards of justice in Pakistan. 

One of the biggest challenge that Pakistan is currently facing now is corruption. It seems that it is unstoppable at the moment and the sad fact behind this is that corrupt people always manage to beat the system, in this way other corrupt people also try their luck and find out that they can also get away with it easily because there is no one to stop the endless corruption cycle. 

There are two ways to battle the corruption one is through morality and the other is through severe punishments. In reality, through morality it would take several generations to end the corruption because our education system does not encourage us to be honest and true but rather it focuses on a strong memory, which is a big question mark on the performance of our education system. 

On the other hand through severe punishments there is a chance to bring down the level of corruption 
For this purpose we conducted a research and only asked one question from the people. 

Question : What should be the punishment for a corrupt Public Office Holder of a High Rank? 

8 out of every 10 people responded that punishment should be a death penalty, the remaining 2 responded that it should be a heavy fine, property confiscation and a very long jail sentence. 

The results showed that people are angry, frustrated and helpless against the cancer of corruption and desperate to free themselves from this evil. 

Corruption is a collective murder of any society because due to corrupt practices more opportunities for such practices are opened and it has a never ending chain reaction. 

It is not like that we are a poor nation that exists on an isolated island or somewhere in the middle of the dessert and not have enough resource to run a country. Pakistan is blessed with everything and could actually be a potential super power if only the matter of the country are dealt with a good faith. 

It is because of corruption that we are facing problems like inflation, poor health and education system, bad justice system, load shedding, water shortage, polluted environment, no merit, unemployment, high crime rate, zero trust on the rulers, poor management and many other countless problems. 

Many of you might be thinking that they are not directly linked with corruption but if we observe all the micro-macro factors and look the situation in a holistic view we would understand that all these elements are interlinked with each other as beads in a string. 

Other than all the social destruction that corrupt public office holders have caused, they are the main culprits of our current situation and definitely a huge disgrace to this country and do not deserve hold the office anymore. If they are not able to do their job with sincerity, they should be punished and be replaced immediately with someone who can do the job with absolute honesty. 

In many countries having high corruption ratios death penalty is served to counter against corruption and stats have actually proved that corruption levels have dropped downed. 

We believe that in Pakistan we should also adopt the same policy to defeat the curse of corruption. Proper rules should be made by the authorities regarding death penalties. 

Levels of corruptions must be identified and different categories must be made. For low level of corruption the punishments have to be reasonable but for high level of corruption the punishment should not be less than a death penalty, and we believe that currently this is the only way to control the murderous monster of corruption.


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