"We Will Not Blindly follow Imran Khan!" PTI's youngsters have something to say!

Prime minister Imran Khan

Now finally the most awaited moment for the majority of Pakistan’s youth has arrived. YES! Imran Khan has become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He has struggled 22 years but his true goal was never only to become the Prime Minister but instead to help the Nation on putting on its own knees and to get in the direction of our true ideology and core principles, which are based on the ideals of Islam.

Yesterday Prime Minister addressed the nation for the very first time and it was different and unique from the previous addresses of the former Prime Ministers. Instead of speaking like a robot while reading from a paper, Imran Khan expressed himself from his core about the way he feels about Pakistan’s current position. He also talked about what should be our collective goals a nation and also provided realistic solutions to achieve them.

He thoroughly discussed the issues of a common Pakistani. It seemed like that his whole address was directed towards a common citizen, which is quite positive and optimistic for us because issues of common man are rarely discussed in Pakistani Politics, his body language was extremely convincing.

Another very interesting factor that he touched was ‘Kindness’. It was the first time in Pakistan that a politician has ever talked about kindness and we all will agree that if we look in the bigger picture ‘Kindness’ is the most needed article in our society.

It was a well prepared and responsible address. It is obvious that only opponents could find a flaw in Khan’s address for political reasons. 

We conducted a research in Islamabad earlier today and we asked 3 questions from 250 young PTI supporters and the questions were:
  • What do you expect from new government?
  • Is Imran Khan’s ideals realistic?
  • Will you ever blindly follow Imran Khan?

Ali, aged 23, a student of NUST Islamabad said “ I believe that Imran Khan has the capability and the vision to change our future, and his ideals maybe futuristic but they could be achieved, Imran Khan can put us in the right direction. I will openly indicate his faults if he doesn’t perform well. I will not blindly follow Imran Khan like the way PML(N) support justify every mistake of their leaders”

Zainab, aged 24, a student of Shifa College of Medicine Islamabad said “ I witness health crisis everyday because I have to visit a Government Hospital for academic purpose. Patients in Government hospitals are suffering beyond imagination. I believe that Imran Khan will hold to his promise and correct our health institution for good!. Yes his vision could be achieved if we remain true to ourselves and contribute in Nation building. NO! I will never blindly support any political leader. I will appreciate his every right action and condemn his every wrong move.”

Asad, aged 23, a student of COMSATS Islamabad said “I have a lot of expectations from Imran Khan and I think he is able and ready to bring the much needed positive change and he can make the Naya Pakistan. I believe that the reign of terror and corruption will end and we will achieve our vision. Soon I will be a graduate and will be seeking a job, hope I’ll get the job with ease. Well Imran Khan taught us not follow anyone blindly so definitely I won’t blindly follow him. I will be his biggest critique and disapprove with his every bad move. I guess most of his supporters feel this way.”

For obvious reasons we couldn’t share the feedback of remaining 247 people but they all are very optimistic and have sky high expectation form Imran Khan. Positive aspects is that all of them refused to follow him blindly, the response of the people were same “We will support his good actions and disapprove with the wrong ones.”

Is this the beginning of Naya Pakistan? If it is indeed then there is no doubt that people of Pakistan have finally woken up and starting to know their true value. Lets Hope for the best!

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